- Participants aged 18 years (or the minimum age of consent in accordance with local regulations) or older (no upper age limit) at Screening.
• Meeting reproductive criteria for female participants.
Disease Characteristics:
Eligible participants must have at both Screening and BL:
A clinical diagnosis of nonsegmental vitiligo for at least 3 months
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BSA involvement 4% to 60% inclusive, excluding involvements at palms of the hands, soles of the feet, or dorsal aspect of the feet and
BSA =0.5% involvement on the face. Face is defined as including the area on the forehead to the original hairline, on the cheek to the jawline vertically to the jawline and laterally from the corner of the mouth to the tragus. Face will not include scalp, ears, neck, or surface area of the lips, but will include the nose and the eyelids
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F-VASI =0.5 and T-VASI =3
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Either active or stable nonsegmental vitiligo at Screening and BL visits. All participants who do not have the features of active vitiligo (defined below) will be classified as having stable disease.
Active vitiligo is defined as:
Participants will be classified as having active vitiligo based on the presence of at least one active lesion at BL defined as one of the following:
New/extending lesions(s) in the 3 months prior to Screening visit (confirmed by photographs or medical record)
- Confetti-like depigmentation is characterized by the presence of numerous 1-mm to 5-mm depigmented macules in clusters