- Age 6 months to \< 18 years at the time of signing Informed Consent for Part 1 and Cohort B of the study, and age 6 months to = 30 years old at the time of signing Informed Consent for Part 2 of the study
- Histologically re-confirmed diagnosis, via tissue biopsy, or bone marrow aspirate, pleural effusion, or ascites, prior to study entry of aggressive mature B-NHL that expresses CD20 (reconfirmed by IHC or flow cytometry if IHC is not possible), including BL, BAL (mature B-cell leukemia FAB L3), DLBCL, and PMBCL, at the time of first R/R disease for Cohort A and second or greater R/R disease for Cohort B
- Refractory or relapsed disease (i.e., prior treatment was ineffective or intolerable) following first-line standard-of-care chemoimmunotherapy for Cohort A and following at least two prior systemic chemoimmunotherapy regimens and who have exhausted all available established therapies for Cohort B
- Measurable disease, defined as: At least one bi-dimensionally measurable nodal lesion, defined as \> 1.5 cm in its longest dimension, or at least one bi dimensionally measurable extranodal lesion, defined as \> 1.0 cm in its longest dimension
- or percentage of bone marrow involvement with lymphoma cells defined by cytomorphological analysis of bone marrow aspirates
- Adequate performance status, as assessed according to the Lansky or Karnofsky Performance Status scales: Participants \< 16 years old: Lansky Performance Status = 50%
- Participants = 16 years old: Karnofsky Performance Status = 50%
- Adequate bone marrow, liver, and renal function
- Negative test results for acute or chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV)
- Negative HIV test at screening, with the following exception: Individuals with a positive HIV test at screening are eligible provided they are stable on anti-retroviral therapy for at least 4 weeks, have a CD4 count =200/uL, have an undetectable viral load, and have not had a history of opportunistic infection attributable to AIDS within the last 12 months
- Negative SARS-CoV-2 antigen or PCR test within 7 days prior to enrollment
- Participants and/or caregivers who are willing and able to complete clinical outcome assessments throughout the study using either paper or interviewer methods