- UAD control participants must be:
1. Residing in the United States
2. Hospitalized patients =65 years of age
3. Able and willing to provide a urine sample
4. Able and willing to provide written informed consent or an appropriate legally authorized representative (LAR) is available to provide written informed consent
UAD control participants will be group matched (within 10% of the indicated values provided in the enrollment spreadsheet) for the following:
• Age group (defined as 65-69, 70-79, =80 years old)
• COPD status (stable with no exacerbations within the last 3 months)
• ACIP risk profile (Not At-risk/At-risk/high-risk status). At-risk/high-risk will be defined as: (matching by risk group)
o At risk: presence of any of the following diagnoses: chronic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, chronic liver disease, chronic kidney disease stage 3 or 4, dementia, stroke) and no presence of any high-risk condition (see below).
o High risk: asplenia, cerebrospinal fluid leak, chemotherapy medications, cochlear implant, congenital immunodeficiency, end stage renal disease/hemodialysis, generalized malignancy, HIV/AIDS, immunocompromising medications, leukemia, lymphoma, myelofibrosis, multiple myeloma, nephrotic syndrome, sickle cell hemoglobinopathy.
• Seasonality (Quarter 2 (Apr-Jun), Quarter 3 (Jul-Sep), Quarter 4 (Oct-Dec), and Quarter 1 (Jan-Mar)) winter (Dec-Feb), spring (Mar – May), summer (Jun-Aug) and fall (Sept-Nov)) during a 9 to 12-month period.
NOTE: While there will not be matching on catheter use, the percent of catheterized participants enrolled should not be greater than that observed in the B7471015 study population.