Overall Recruitment Status: Active, currently enrolling |
Official Title |
Efficacy of the COronary SInus Reducer in Patients With Refractory Angina II |
Region |
Sponsors |
California - Northern |
Acronym |
NCT No. |
NCT05102019 |
Study Type |
Phase |
Clinical Trial |
Purpose |
To demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the Reducer system for treatment of patients with refractory angina pectoris treated with maximally tolerated guideline-directed medical therapy who demonstrate objective evidence of reversible myocardial ischemia in the distribution of the left coronary artery and who are deemed unsuitable for revascularization. A non-randomized single-arm will further assess the safety and effectiveness of the Neovasc Reducer System in selected subjects with reversible myocardial ischemia in the distribution of the right coronary artery and who are deemed unsuitable for revascularization, subjects with reversible myocardial ischemia without documented obstructive coronary disease and subjects who cannot complete an exercise tolerance test due to an above-the-ankle amputation. |
Detailed Description |
- Subject is older than 18 years of age
Symptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) with greater than or equal to 90 days of persistent refractory angina pectoris classified as CCS Grade III or IV despite maximally tolerated guideline directed medical therapy as determined by the local heart team and confirmed by a Central Screening Eligibility Committee.
Note: subjects may also have exertional dyspnea, but the symptoms that limit activity must be anginal in nature (including chest pain, pressure, heaviness, discomfort, with or without radiation to the neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, or other location) and not dyspnea
Must have attempted treatment with the maximally tolerated dose of at least three of the four (preferably all four) approved classes of anti-anginal agents: long-acting nitrates, calcium channel blockers (either a dihydropyridine or a non-dihydropyridine), beta blockers, and ranolazine. The regimen must be stable for at least 60 days prior to enrollment, must remain stable from enrollment to randomization, and there must be no intent to change the medical regimen for at least 12 months after randomization Note: If the dose of a medication was increased or decreased for a temporary period and then returned to the original dose, which will then be continued for at least 12 months after randomization, the subject may be immediately enrolled without needing to otherwise requalify.
Subject has either no treatment options for revascularization by coronary artery bypass grafting or by percutaneous coronary intervention, or is otherwise unsuitable or high risk for revascularization as determined by the local heart team, and confirmed by a Central Screening Eligibility Committee
- Recent (within 30 days prior to enrollment) troponin or CKMB positive acute coronary syndrome (NSTEMI or STEMI).
Note: subjects with an elevated troponin or CKMB without acute coronary syndrome may still be enrolled
Recent successful revascularization by either CABG or PCI within six months prior to enrollment Note: Successful revascularization is defined as any CABG procedure, or any PCI procedure with a reduction of one or more lesions to <50% diameter stenosis
Recent unsuccessful PCI (e.g., failed attempt to open a chronic total occlusion) within 30 days prior to enrollment
The predominant manifestation of angina is dyspnea. Note: some dyspnea may be present with exertion, but the predominant symptom that limits activity must be angina (i.e., chest pain, pressure, tightness, heaviness, or discomfort, with or without radiation to the neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, or other location)
Has extra-coronary contributory causes of angina - e.g., untreated hyperthyroidism, anemia (hgb <10 g/dL), uncontrolled hypertension (systolic blood pressure >160 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure >100 mmHg despite medications), atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response (consistently >100 bpm despite medications) or other tachyarrhythmia, severe aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction or asymmetric septal hypertrophy (concentric left ventricular hypertrophy is not an exclusion criterion).